Brand diagnosis
Let's review together where your brand image is and what else we can do for it.
DescripciĆ³n del servicio
I will previously review everything you have generated for your brand: texts, design, posts, etc. This way we can review in detail the aspects that can be improved or changed and which strong points I recommend supporting. After this session you will have clarity about what strategies to implement to grow your brand presence, what materials you need to have (for example, a site, better images on networks, etc.) and I will make you personalized proposals in case you want me to develop them.
PolĆtica de cancelaciĆ³n
Reservations that are canceled 24 hours in advance, may be rescheduled within a period of no more than 15 days. Otherwise, the reservation will be lost without reimbursement from Amapola DiseƱo. . . . Las reservas que sean canceladas con 24 horas de anticipaciĆ³n, podrĆ”n re agendarse en un plazo no mayor a 15 dĆas. De lo contrario, la reserva se perderĆ” sin reembolso de parte Amapola DiseƱo.
Datos de contacto
MĆ©rida, Yuc., MĆ©xico